How can I check my outlet’s reports?

I want to download/look for my past order records/sales/dish/promotions/cashier/EOD report over a specific period of time.

This article features-

  1. Order Report
  2. Dish Report
  3. Promotions Report
  4. Sales Report
  5. EOD Report
  6. Cash Balance

Steps to check reports-

     Step 1-  Login into your POS. 

     Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section from the side menu.

Order Report

At times, the owner may want to look for a specific order or monthly order reports to keep track of his sales and income. He can check the reports from both POS and HQ.

The owner can check any past order’s details by either searching for it using its invoice number or filtering it out on the basis of its order type/ payment mode/ order status in the Reports section in both POS and HQ. This section contains all the important information for all the orders separately and also gives insights into the total orders, item sales, payments, etc. 


     Step 3-  First, set the duration for which you want to see the order reports. Here, we want to download outlet reports for this month’s sales to date.


 Step 4-  In case you want to look for a specific order, you may fill in its invoice number in the search tab or filter it out based on its other properties from the drop-down menu in the Order Type/ Order status/ Payment Mode tabs.

To download the filtered report, click on the Download XLSX option on the right after you have set the filters.


Since the search results have been filtered previously, the report downloaded will have the list of only dine-in orders which have been completed and settled with cash.

To download the full report, clear the filters, if any, and click on the Download XLSX option on the right.

An Excel file will be downloaded on your device. 

Dish Report

To view the outlet’s most selling items, the owner can refer to the dish report. This report contains the most ordered dishes/add-ons, quantities sold, revenue each item is generating, and items voided over a time period. The top-selling items can be further added as variants to upsell them. For instance, tea and kopi are the most sold drinks at your outlet, you can add a variant group ‘Grab A Drink’ with both of the beverages to the food categories.

     Step 1-  Login into your POS. 

     Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section from the side menu and then click “DISH REPORT” Tab

     Step 3-  First, set the duration for which you want to see the dish reports. Here, we want to download outlet reports for last month’s sales .

     Step 4- To check the top-selling dish at your outlet, refer to the Top Selling Items section.

As you can see, Spaghetti Meatball is the most popular dish with 18 quantities sold Last month. The available tag shows that the item is on the menu and has not been deleted.

Similarly, you can view the top-selling add-ons and voided items from their respective sections.

To download the report, click on the Download XLSX option on the right.

Sales Report

The owner can view his outlet’s sales

  •  over time(Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly),
  •  by transaction type (Online & Offline), 
  •  by payment method, and
  •  over different platforms in this section. 

Step 1-  Login into your POS.

Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section from the side menu and then click “SALES REPORT ” Tab

  Step 3-  First, set the duration for which you want to see the sales reports. Here, we want to download outlet reports for this month’s sales to date.   


Step 4- To check the sales over time, refer to the Sales Over Time section

Select the view from the drop-down menu in the View By tab. You can view the daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly sales here.    

To check the sales done over POS and User App, refer to the Sales by Transaction section. In this case, all the orders transactions are offline.

Further, you can view the different payment methods used to settle orders, like Cash, credit card, wallet, etc. from the Sales by Payment method section. This helps keep track of payments received.

To check the number of sales done over different platforms(Grab, food panda) including Easyeat, you can refer to the Sales Over Platform section.

To download any report, click on the option on the right.

EOD Report

End of the day(EOD) report contains all the details regarding orders placed throughout the day or said reporting hours. All transactions are classified on the basis of payment methods, order types, commissions, discounts, item sales, etc. 

The owner can generate an EOD report before closing the outlet operations for the day. This can be generated after closing the cashier in the POS. 


Step 1-  Login into your POS.

Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section from the side menu  and click on “END OF DAY REPORTS “ tab



  Step 3- First, select the date for which you want to view the report in the End Of Day Report section.

Next, you can either select existing reporting hours or set custom hours for which the report is to be generated. 

Here, we have already added a slot in the Edit Restaurant Details section. Alternatively, you can also create a slot from here by clicking on ‘+Add Reporting Hours’. 


  Step 4- Click on the View Report button and the report will be generated for the selected date and time range.


You can choose to Print and Download the report from here.

# If a restaurant operates beyond midnight, the owner can check the transactions done till then in the EOD report by creating a custom time slot from 9 am(assuming the start time) to 2 am. The report will include a summary of all the orders placed from 9 am to 11:59 pm on the first day and 12 am to 2 am on the next day. Refer to the snip attached below. 

Cash Balance

All the entries related to the cash drawer are reflected in the Cash balance section. You can track all the transactions like cash in, cash out, drawer kick, opening cash float, closing cashier, and invoices settled with cash, etc. from here. You can understand more about cash drawers here.


Step 1-  Login into your POS.

Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section from the side menu  and click on “CASH BALANCE “ tab

  Step 3-  To view the cash entries over a period of time, refer to the Cash Entries tab in the Cash Balance section.

  Step 4- You can view the Cashier report for the day once you have closed the cash drawer.


When Cashier is Open-

When Cashier is Closed-

As you can see, upon closing the cashier the report was generated. You can  download the report containing all cash drawer transactions by clicking on the Download button