How to operate Cash Drawer in POS?

I want to receive payments in cash/ start cash counting/ add or take cash from the cash drawer/close the cashier for the EOD update.

Below mentioned features have been covered in this article-

  1. Open Cashier
  2. Cash In
  3. Cash Out
  4. Drawer Kicks
  5. Close Cashier

Locate Cash Drawer In POS-

        Step 1-  Login into your POS

        Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Orders Dashboard’ section from the side menu. Click on the ‘Open Cash Drawer’ button in the top-right corner. 


      A Dialog box will appear on the screen with four options.


Open Cash Drawer

At the beginning of the day, the owner should open the outlet’s cash drawer to count the cash and enter the required cash float to start the day’s operations. The staff won’t be able to settle the bill in cash unless the cashier is open. 

          Step 3- Select the Open Cashier option from the list.

select continue 

          Step 4- Fill in the details ‘Staff Name’, the reason for opening the drawer, and the ‘Amount’ in the drawer. Here, the receptionist has entered RM 500 as an opening cash float.


       The cashier can also specify the denominations by enabling the Cash Counting feature. The cash counting feature is to allow the cashier to insert one by one the number of coins and notes, and let the system total them up. All the cashier has to do is count and key in the number of coins and notes in the system.


        Click on the Done button once done.

Cash In/Cash Out

Throughout the day if any cash has been received on account of customer refund, tips, sale of non-menu items, or any other reason, the cashier has to enter it into the drawer using the Cash In feature. Similarly, for the amounts that have been taken out of the drawer on account of customer refunds, order cancellations, purchases, staff payments, or any other reason, the cashier has to use the Cash Out feature.

   Step 3- Select the Cash In/ Cash Out option from the list.

   Step 4- Enter the Staff Name, Amount of Cash In/Cash Out, and the reason in the box. Click on the Done button, once done.

Drawer Kick

 In case, the cashier wants to open the drawer for any reason like counting the cash/ exchanging the money denominations, etc. They should opt for the Drawer Kick option. However, it is recommended to use Cash In/Cash Out for purposes like exchanging currency denominations as the drawer kick feature doesn’t record the amount.

   Step 3- Select the Cash In/ Cash Out option from the list.

   Step 4- Enter the Staff Name and reason for the drawer kick. Click on the Done button, once done.

Close Cashier

At the end of the day, the cashier must close the cash drawer and count the amount of cash left in the drawer. This feature will reset the cash ledger to RM0. Once the cashier is closed, the owner can view the EOD report and compare the transactions and cash in hand.

   Step 3- Select the Close Cashier option from the list.

   Step 4- Enter the Staff Name, select the reason(mostly EOD update) and enter the Cash in the drawer. Click on the Done button, once done. 

          A cashier report will be generated. You can choose to print the report, if required.

        If there’s any mismatch between the amounts(system and drawer)then a box like the attached below will come up on the screen and the owner can look into it.


Also, all the cash entries and transactions can be tracked under Reports section-> Cash Balance. The cashier report can be accessed from there, if needed.