How to settle the bill of an order?

Splitting bill among customers/ using different payment methods to settle bill.

To settle a bill, various payment options are available on the payment page including ‘Split Bill’. The split bill feature is useful to enable a table of two or more customers to pay for their share while settling the order itself. 

The staff can also merge bills and settle them collectively, click here to learn how.

The owner can request to add any payment method by connecting with the Easyeat Support team.



      Step 1- Login to your POS.

      Step 2- Create a new order in the Order Dashboard section. Click here to know how.

      Step 3- Click on the Settle Order button in the cart. You will be redirected to the payments page.


      Step 4- Select the desired payment method from the given options. A Dialog box will appear.


             Here, we have selected the cash method.  It should be noted that to accept cash payments, you must open cash drawer first. Click here to read more about Cash Drawer.


          As depicted in the screenshot above, there are different scenarios while collecting payment i.e. the customer pays the required amount as it is or pays a bigger amount and asks for change in return. Whatever be the case, the staff must enter the amount customer hands him in the box or select from the sidebar. Look at the examples below to understand better-

Case 1- Bill Amount- RM 130.20  and the customer pays RM 150. 

           In this case, staff will manually enter the amount collected in the box and the change amount to be returned will be reflected at the bottom. 


Case 2- Bill Amount- RM 130.20 and the customer pays the amount in full.

             In this case, staff can either select the order amount from the side or enter it manually in the box.


For payment methods other than cash, a dialog box like the one attached below will show up on the screen. Click on the Pay button to accept the payment.


      Step 5- In case, customers want to split the bill and pay for what they have ordered, staff can use the Split bill feature.  


Multiple guest carts will be displayed on the screen. Since there are two items in our order they will be divided between two people.

Items can be moved to the previous/next cart by clicking on the blue arrow icon beside them. Here, we have moved the Daging Burger item from cart 1 to cart 2.


Click on the Save button, once done.

Now, you can settle individual bills using the payment methods they request.

Click on the Settle Bill button-> Select the payment method, enter the amount-> Swipe the screen from left to right once you have collected the payment.

Follow the same process for other guests. 

Further, print the receipt and hand it to the customer.