How can I add discounts/top-ups to a running order?

I want to change the order amount/I want to provide a discount for the orders created on POS/ I want to give a special discount to my loyal customers, staff, etc.

Apart from the discounts provided on User App as discussed in ‘What Is the Promotion Feature In POS?’ the staff has the option to give discounts while creating an order on POS too. The owner can apply as much discount (Flat or Percentage) to whichever order he wants, for any reason like staff orders/ returning customers/celebrations, etc. Along with discounts, the Top Up feature is also available to the owner. This can be used to increase the order amount for reasons like additional charges, pre-ordered items, booking fees, etc.

It should be noted that the discount/top-up can be provided at any step before completing the order. If the bill has already been settled, the staff can apply the discount in POS and pay the same back to the customer or ask him to pay in case of a top-up.

This is what the discount looks like in the cart and invoice. 



      Step 1- Login to your POS.

      Step 2- Create a new order in the Order Dashboard section. Click here to know how.

      Step 3- The discount can be applied by clicking on the Add Amount button in front of the Discount Or Top-Up option in the cart.


           A Dialog box will appear on the screen.

      Step 4- Here, three options to change the order amount are available to the staff - Flat Discount, Percentage Discount, and Top-Up. 

Enter the discount amount (Flat or %) and the reason(optional) and click on Apply button below.  Here, we have given a 12% discount for a staff order. This is how the cart will look-   


To top up the order amount, click on the top-up icon from the title bar->  enter the top-up value, and select the reason. Once done, it will be reflected in the cart like this. 

In case the bill has already been settled and the amount has been changed later, the balance amount will be reflected in the cart as the Amount to be paid as shown in the below-attached screenshots and should be settled before marking the order as completed.