How to add/edit printers for different kitchen counters in POS?

I want to map items to a printer/I want to assign different printers to different kitchen counters and print the categories/sub-categories mapped to them.

After the printers have been configured and set up we need to connect them to our POS. To do so, we have to manually enter the printer's IP address while adding printers to the POS. Click here to learn how to set up the Zywell printer. 

Most restaurants need to print specific menu items to separate printers. For example, if an order has both drinks and appetizers, you can set up a bar printer to receive drinks, and a kitchen printer to receive appetizers. As discussed earlier in the article ‘How to print bills from POS?’, we can print the items from an order on their respective printers by clicking on the Print option in the order dashboard, click here to understand the flow better.

However, the tax invoice/ receipt will be printed on the main printer only.

Printer Status

You can also check the list of mapped printers and their status from the Order Dashboard or Tables tab on your Ipad. The Easyeat system fetches and updates the status of a printer every 45 seconds. 

As you can see in the image below, there's an icon to the left of the Cash Drawer. The green color indicates that all the devices are connected to your system and you are good to go.

However, if the connection between the system and any of the devices is lost, this icon will turn red. As you can see in the screenshot below, both of the devices are not connected to the Ipad. To reconnect, you can either wait for 45 seconds or click on the retry icon in front of the respective printers.

**To be noted- This feature is currently working in Malaysia and for Ipad devices only.

In this article, we will cover how to add


     Step 1-  Login into your POS

     Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Section & Printers’ section from the side menu.

Add Kitchen Printer

     Step 3-  In the Printers sub-section click on the Add New button in the top right corner. A dialog box will appear.


     Step 4- Fill in the counter’s name in the first tab and in the printer’s name tab paste the IP address of the respective printer in format- Make sure to add ":9100" at the end of the IP address. To learn more about setting up printers, click here.



     Map Category/Sub-category-  Next, select the categories and sub-categories you want to be printed on this printer. Alternatively, if you have a kitchen printer already added to the system, you can just map the items to them while creating items/dishes. Refer here to learn more about it. 

     Step 5- Click on the Save Changes button.

As you can see, Malay Printer with mapped categories Nasi Goreng and Nasi Lemak has been added to the POS.

Edit The Kitchen Printer

     You can always edit the printer’s name, counter name, and the categories/sub-categories mapped to it in the Printers section.

     Step 1- To do so, simply click on the Edit button in front of the printer.

     Step 2- Make the changes and update them by clicking on the Save Changes button. You can reset the printer too.


Here, we have added the Burger category to the printer.

Receipt Printer

The tax invoice printer is responsible for printing bill receipts to be handed over to the customer. It is the printer for the bill counter. It can be set either in the Restaurant details sub-section in the Edit Restaurant details tab or in the Tax Invoice/ Receipt sub-section in the Sections & Counters tab.

In the tab, paste the IP Address of the bill counter printer while configuring it.