What is Auto-Accept Feature?

Please go through the article below to understand the auto-accept feature is POS


For a normal flow where the auto-accept feature is turned off, any order placed from QR first appears on the POS screen and awaits approval from the staff for the order to be accepted and passed on to the kitchen for preparation. Until manually confirmed by the staff, the POS view and customer view would be as below



Upon activating auto-accept feature from the POS, the above stage would be bypassed and the order once placed by the customer would automatically be accepted and passed on to the kitchen.

Refer POS view and Customer View below for refernce.



How to turn-on Auto-Accept feature?

 Step 1-  Login into your POS. 

 Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Edit Restaurant Details’ section. 

        Rest name 1

 Step 3- Locate the ‘MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS’ section and click on the Edit button in the right-hand corner.

        Auto accept


Step 4-  You can adjust the feature for different order types by clicking on the green toggle in front of them. By turning on the feature you’re allowing the orders to be accepted automatically and no manual acceptance is required in such cases.

Step 5- Click on the Save Button on the right once done.

Auto accept 2

In this case, we have turned off the feature for all dine-in orders i.e. these orders will not be auto-accepted.

It should be noted that by default this feature is on.