How to hide/ mark a category, sub-category, or item as out of stock?

I want a category to be visible(on the user app) only for delivery orders/ I do not have the required stock of an item and want to mark it as out of stock on POS.

For requirements like hiding an item or marking them as out of stock, staff has the option to control them in the POS itself. The staff can hide/mark out of stock both the items and the combos they are part of at the same time.

Hiding an item implies it won’t be visible on the user application for those order types where it has been hidden. For example, an outlet might not want to take delivery orders for cakes so they will hide the category from the delivery menu. It is to be noted that hiding an item won’t make it invisible in the POS order menu screen. 

Marking an item as out of stock won’t show it in the user app. You can choose a time frame post which the item will become available on the user app. For example, you do not have chicken at your outlet, so you can mark the whole category as out of stock until the chicken vendor comes. Marking a category as out of stock in one order type will make it unavailable for all order types and in the POS order menu.

You can also hide variants, click here to know more.


     Step 1-  Login into your POS

     Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Menu’ section from the side menu.

     Step 3-  Locate the item/category/sub-category you want to edit. Here, we want to change Spaghetti Seafood’s settings.


Mark the item as out of stock(In the Dine-In menu)

     Step 4- Click on the green toggle in front of the item. A Dialog box will appear.


     Step 5- Here, if you wish to mark the combos the item is part of as out of stock too, turn the toggle green by clicking on it, as shown in the below-attached image. Further, add the time frame for the item to stay out of stock. We want it to be unavailable for the rest of the day. You can add custom timings as well.


Click on the Confirm button to save the settings.

     Step 6- The item and the combo it is part of will be marked out of stock for all order types as shown in the images below.

  Dine In -



                                                                                Take Away-

It will also be hidden in the POS order menu screen.- 

Hide An Item

      Blue Eye indicates that the item/subcategory/category is visible visa versa Grey eye with a slash mark indicates that the item/subcategory/category is hidden.

     Step 4- Click on the eye button in front of the item/category/sub-category. A box will appear on the screen.

     Step 5- If you want to hide the combos too, click on the toggle in the box and confirm.

It will hide them in the dine-in section.

To hide the item in the other types, you will have to go to their menu and individually hide the items.

It will still be visible in the POS order menu.