How to add, edit and delete a category in the POS menu?

I want to add a new category/ edit an existing one or delete a category from my menu.

Categories are the headings mainly describing the meal types/cuisines of the items on the menu. In case the owner wants to

The staff can add various settings to categories such as slots, charges, promotions, and map categories to the printers of their kitchens respectively.

This is how categories are reflected in the user application.



     Step 1-  Login into your POS

     Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Menu’ section from the side menu.

Add Category

     Step 3-  Click on the Add Category button. A dialog box will appear.


     Step 4-  Fill in the Category’s name in the box. Here we are adding the Noodles category to our menu.


             Click on the Add button to add the category.


Next, you have to add a sub-category to this category, click here to learn how.

To add menu in bulk, connect with Easyeat Support team.

Edit Category 

     Step 3- Click on the Edit button inside the category list.


     Step 4- Scroll down to the category you want to edit. Here, we want to edit the Noodles category.


Click on the Save button once done and the changes will be updated.

     Step 5 - You can also change the order of categories in your menu. To do so, double-click on the triple bar icon beside the category name and drag the category to the position (up or down) you want it.


Here, we want Maggi after the Burger category. Click on Save once done.

You can also hide or mark the categories as out of stock, click here to learn how.

To update categories in bulk, connect with Easyeat Support team.

Delete Category

     Step 3- Click on the Edit button inside the category list.


     Step 4-  Scroll down to the category you want to delete. Click on the delete icon in front of the category name. A dialog box will appear.


     Step 5- Type the category’s name in the box and click on the Delete button.


This will delete the category and all the associated subcategories and items with it.