How Can I Set The Meal Timings?

What is meal timing? Meal/Item Timing are nothing but time slots which are created to assign to the items that are sold only at specific time of the day. For example- I want to serve breakfast in the morning hours only.


Step 1-  Login into your POS. 

Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Edit Restaurant Details’ section.

Rest name 1


Step 3-  Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right.


        Rest name 2


     Step 4- In the ‘RESTAURANT MEAL TIMINGS’ section, Slot FullDay is added by default to all of the items in the menu. 

To add a slot with different serving hours click on the ‘Add More’ option below. Another slot form will open. 


    Step 5- Fill in the details like Slot Name and Slot Timings in the form and click on the Done button.

meal timings          

    In this case, a Slot named Evening Snacks is to be served in the time slot (6 pm - 9 pm).


  Step 6-  Save and Refresh.

          Rest name 3  


Step 7- Next, Go to the Menu Section and locate the items you want to sell between the added time slots.

          Meal timings 1


In this case, we want to sell Burger Category items in the ‘Evening Snacks’ slot added earlier.

Step 8- Open the item and scroll down to the section ‘Item Availability ’-> sub-section ‘Sell on specific days of the week and between particular time slots. Add the slot to the item and Save.

       Meal timings 2

In this case, we’ve added an Evening Snacks slot and saved it. Follow the same process to add other items to the slot.

 Step 9-  Save and Refresh.

Please Note- It has to be noted that the slot timings cannot be outside t The Operation Hours of the outlet. Any change in the slot timings is reflected in the POS, Easyeat User app