View Campaign Performance

View your campaigns, review Cost vs ROI

Watch the full tutorial for EasyEat's marketing module:

  • Under Campaign Performance, you can see a list of all your created campaigns.
  • Your most recently created campaign will show at the top. 
  • Under Campaign Performance, you'll see:

    • Total Revenue Earned: Total revenue earned by an outlet from customers reached out by various SMS campaigns. Orders placed within 14 days of receiving the SMS will be counted here.

    • Total SMS Sent: SMS sent out based on the campaigns launched.

    • SMS Cost: Total cost incurred from running SMS campaign(s). 

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  • You can also see a listing table, with the following details:

    • Campaign Name: Name of the campaign (set in Step 2 by the user).

    • Type: Is the campaign Automated or One-time?

    • Revenue Earned (RM): The revenue that has been generated from orders placed by customers that were reached out to for that campaign since its start.

    • Running For: Name of outlet for which the campaign is running for (selected in step 2).

    • SMS Cost: The cost of the campaign incurred for that campaign.

    • ROI: (Revenue Earned-Cost)/Cost → Profit/Cost, for that campaign. [Upto 2 decimal places]

    • Status: Current status of that campaign. The status of a campaign can be depending it's a one-time campaign or an automated campaign.

      • For Automated campaigns, there are 2 statuses:

        • Active: Campaign is currently running. SMS is sent automatically when the customer meets the set criteria.

        • Paused: Campaign has been paused by the merchant. No SMS will be sent even if a customer meets the set criteria for that campaign.

        • Ended: The campaign is now closed. The user needs to create the campaign afresh if they want to run it again.

      • For one-time campaigns, there are 2 statuses:

        • Ended: The campaign ran successfully and has now ended (renaming Finished to Ending).

        • Scheduled: The campaign has been scheduled for a later date and time.

Data for your launched SMS campaigns does not update in rea-time. It updates every day by 4 AM local time.