Success Story: QR Adoption

QR Code Adoption for Better Restaurant Revenue.

In the fast-paced digital era, restaurants are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline their operations and enhance the overall dining experience for their customers. One such method that more and more restaurants are adopting nowadays is QR code ordering. In this post, we will explore the success story of a restaurant partner who implemented our QR ordering system for over a six-month period. Through this case study, we discovered some fascinating insights that highlight the immense potential of QR ordering in driving revenue growth for restaurants.

Surging QR Orders

Over the course of six months, the restaurant witnessed a significant surge in QR orders, with a staggering 78% of total orders being placed through this convenient method. This statistic shows the growing popularity and acceptance of QR code ordering among tech-savvy customers.

Increased Average Ordering Value

One compelling aspect of QR code ordering is its potential to boost the average value of each order. In this case study, the average ordering value for QR code orders was found to be RM49, surpassing the average ordering value of non-QR orders, which stood at RM42. This substantial increase indicates that customers using QR codes tend to explore the menu more thoroughly and are more likely to opt for additional items or higher-priced offerings, ultimately contributing to increased revenue for the restaurant.

Unlocking Additional Revenue

By leveraging QR code ordering, the restaurant partner experienced an impressive surge in revenue. The study revealed that the implementation of the system resulted in an extra revenue of RM7 per order. With a total of 2,141 orders received during the study period, this translated into a substantial additional revenue of RM11,683. These exceptional results showcase the undeniable financial impact QR code ordering can have on a restaurant's bottom line.


By adopting a forward-thinking approach and embracing innovative solutions like QR code ordering, restaurants can position themselves at the forefront of technological advancements, providing a seamless and efficient experience for their customers while reaping the financial benefits. The success of our restaurant partner's case study serves as a testament to the transformative power of QR code ordering and offers valuable insights for other establishments looking to drive growth in the digital age.