Success Story: QR Adoption

Revolutionize Your Restaurant Revenue with QR Code Adoption: Unlock the Secret to Unprecedented Success

As businesses strive to maximize their revenue, increasing the average order value is a key objective. One effective strategy that has gained significant traction in recent years is QR ordering. In this blog post, we present a compelling case study that shows how the adoption of QR codes has a huge impact on the average order value. Get ready to be amazed as we look at the results and show you how much QR ordering can help your business.

The Setup

Our team conducted a case study with one of our esteemed restaurant partners to evaluate the impact of QR ordering on average order value. The results were both interesting and encouraging, providing concrete evidence of the potential benefits that QR ordering can offer.

Initial Average Order Value

Before implementing QR ordering, our restaurant partner had an average order value of RM20.10 per order. This baseline metric provided the foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of QR adoption. The existing ordering system was efficient, but it lacked the cutting-edge features and convenience that QR ordering brings to the table.

The Game-Changing Effects of QR Adoption

Once QR ordering was integrated into the restaurant's operations, the impact was truly astounding. The average order value skyrocketed from RM20.10 to RM28.70 per order—a remarkable increase of RM8.60 (almost 40% increase in average order value)! This significant boost in revenue was directly attributed to the implementation of QR ordering.

QR Ordering Statistics

During the course of a single month, the restaurant recorded an impressive 2,050 QR orders. This high volume of orders showcases the rapid and widespread adoption of this new ordering method by customers. It is a testament to the convenience, efficiency, and appeal of QR ordering.

Additional Revenue Generated

The surge in average order value resulted in extra revenue of RM17,631.70 for the restaurant within just one month. This substantial increase in revenue is a clear indication of the financial benefits that can be reaped through QR adoption.


The case study conducted with our restaurant partner clearly illustrates the immense potential of QR ordering to increase average order value and boost revenue. The impressive results showcased an RM8.6 increase in average order value, 2,050 QR orders in a single month, and an additional revenue of RM17,631.70. Beyond the financial gains, QR ordering offers enhanced efficiency, improved customer experience, and valuable data insights. If you're looking to maximize your average order value and stay ahead of the competition, it's time to give QR ordering a try. The numbers speak for themselves!