Manage ingredients in your inventory.

Follow the steps below to manage ingredients in your inventory. You can also click to jump to a specific topic that you want to learn:

1. Add a new ingredient 

2. Delete an ingredient

Add a new ingredient

You can add a new ingredient by following these steps:

  • In your Partner App or Headquarters, select Inventory tab from the side navigation bar. Select Update Inventory and then Add Ingredient.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 5.30.30 PM
  • Add basic details about your ingredient:
    • Item Name: Name of the Ingredient.
    • Type of Item: Choose whether the ingredient is veg or non-veg.
    • SKU: Unique code you want to associate with the ingredient. 
    • Description: Any extra details you want to add about the ingredient.
    • Item Category: Map ingredient to a particular category in inventory (like vegetables, raw meat, etc). 
    • Supplier: Map ingredient to a particular supplier. 
  • Add details related to stock count:
    • Unit: Define a unit of measure for your ingredient (like Gram, piece, teaspoon).
    • Low Stock Level: Stock level at which you should be notified to restock your inventory.
    • Ideal Stock Level: Stock level above which your inventory should ideally be to prevent any business loss.

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  • Press Save button to confirm your changes.
  • You can Edit an ingredient by selecting its name and pressing the Save button once changes are done.

Delete an Ingredient

You can delete an ingredient by following these steps:

  • In your Partner App or Headquarters, select Inventory tab from the side navigation bar.
  • Select Update Inventory and then the selection box at left for the ingredient(s) you want to delete.

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  • Once selected, a Delete button will appear. Press the delete button and the selected ingredient will be deleted.
  • You can delete all your ingredients in a single go by pressing the selection box corresponding to the table header.