How to keep track of your inventory?

View stock at hand for your ingredients in real time.

After you have added a list of ingredients to your inventory, you can see the status of your inventory from the Inventory Status tab.

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  • Out of Stock Ingredients: Ingredients that are out of stock (stock quantity ≤ 0). Raise Purchase Orders to your suppliers or Transfer Requests to other outlets for restocking.
  • Low in Stock Ingredients: Ingredients soon to go out of stock (stock quantity below their low stock level). Raise Purchase Orders to your suppliers or Transfer Requests to other outlets before they go out of stock. 
  • Ingredients in Stock: Ingredients that are in stock (stock quantity above their low stock level). No immediate action needs to be taken.

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Inventory Listing

  • You can further see your list of ingredients along with their current stock at hand. 
    • Ingredient: Name of the ingredient.
    • Category: Name of category the ingredient is mapped to.
    • Stock Qty: Stock of ingredient currently available at your outlet.
    • Low Stock Level: Stock level at which you should be notified to restock your inventory.
    • Ideal Stock Level: Stock level above which your inventory should ideally be to prevent any business loss. Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 4.17.11 PM
  • Easily search for an ingredient by typing its name in the Search by Ingredient search box.

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  • Filter your inventory list based on inventory categories. Select Filter by Category, and select one or more category names.

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  • Filter ingredients based on their stock quantity. Select Filter by Stock Qty, and select option Low in Stock or Out of Stock to see a list of ingredients that are in either criteria.

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  • Download (.pdf format) or print your current inventory stock report by selecting the Export button.

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