How can I change the settings of a Promotion?

I want to update my offer details/ I want to delete a promotion from my outlet.

The owner can edit/delete a promotion in the same way as it was created. All the settings including ‘Discount’, ‘Max Discount Value’, ‘Minimum Cart Value’, ‘Applies To’, ‘Applicable On Order Type’, ‘Promo Applicability’, ‘Coupon Dates’, ‘Coupon Usage Limits’, ‘Coupon Information’ and ‘Onboarding Screen’ can be edited here.


      Step 1-  Login into your POS. 

      Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Promotions’ section from the side menu. Click on the Edit option in front of the promotion you want to edit.


      Step 3-  Here, we have changed details in the ‘Applies To’ and ‘Applicable On Order Type’ tabs. All the settings of the promotion can be edited in this section.




     Once, everything is updated click on the Update button in the top right corner and the promotion settings will be changed. 

     In case, you want to delete a promotion click on the Delete button in the top right.