How Can I Change The Login Password Of My Outlet POS/HQ?

I want to update my existing login password.

Step 1-   Login into your POS. 

Step 2-  Navigate to the ‘Edit Restaurant Details’ section.

Step 3-  Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right.

Step 4-   Click on the ‘Change password’ option.


Step 5- A dialogue box will appear. Put in your Old Password in the ‘OLD PASSWORD’ section and your New Password in the ‘NEW PASSWORD’ section.

Re-type your new password in the ‘CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD’ section for verification. Click on the Change Password button below. 

Step 6- Save And Refresh.

Please Note:- Changing the password from POS would change the password for both POS and HQ. In case of a forgotten password, and you don't remember the old password, contact the customer support team.