Read this article to let us help you to change basic restaurant information like contact number, email-id, restaurant address, restaurant location.
Step 1- Login into your POS.
Step 2- Navigate to the ‘Edit Restaurant Details’ section.
Step 3- Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the right.
Change Restaurant Email-id And/Or Contact Number
Change Restaurant Email-id And/Or Contact Number
Step 4- Change the details in the form ‘Primary Phone Number’ if you want to update your phone number and in the form ‘Primary Email’ to update your existing mail id.
Step 5- Save And Refresh.
Change Restaurant Address
Step 4- Edit the Outlet’s address in the ‘RESTAURANT ADDRESS’ form. To provide complete details fill out forms headed House No, City, Pin Code, State, And Country.
Step 5- Save and Refresh.
Please Note:- Any change in the outlet’s address is reflected in the delivery final bill printed as well.
Change Location
Step 4- To change the pinned location on the map, you have to double-click on the red pin, move it across the map, and place it at your outlet’s location.
Step 5- Save and Refresh.
Please Note:- Any change in the outlet’s location is reflected in the location coordinates that are sent to the delivery partner assigned to pick up the order.